Rogers-O’Brien Improves Quality With Procore’s Action Plans
The Challenge
Several years ago, Rogers-O’Brien (RO) set out to break ground on the largest data center they had ever built – a 48-Megawatt building. The IT infrastructure for this project was critical which created a demand for more technical quality programs and dedicated resources to ensure proper execution. To meet these goals, the team at RO rolled out a pen-and-paper three-phase quality process including preparatory meetings, first work inspections, and follow-up inspections.
Through these special project requirements, RO determined that their entire quality program could be revamped to incorporate higher standards across all project types with the end goal of reducing rework. The team went to work with a clipboard in hand, in an attempt to implement the enhanced goals on all projects. However, documentation was tedious and distribution to trade partners was inconsistent. Utilizing pen and paper, and physically visiting every jobsite was not sustainable for a quality department of three people, covering four regions.
Although the intention behind the new quality process was great, the team was looking for an opportunity to make the process more efficient and adoptable for the field.
The Solution
RO was introduced to Action Plans and was impressed that the centralized, digital hub had the ability to assign responsibilities for individual tasks, add photos, set email reminders and distribute essential meeting notes.
“We knew if we digitized our quality program through Procore, we could understand, at a glance, the quality level of 40+ projects and then actually report on those metrics to hold teams accountable,” said Johnathon Grammer, Director of Operational Excellence.
The team began implementing Action Plans to manage quality control and found the simplicity, standardization options and the ability to measure each team’s commitment to quality to be invaluable. RO estimates that Action Plans saves an hour and a half per inspection which ultimately equates to about 200 hours saved on each of their average sized projects. Thanks to the great results, it is now the expectation that every project that kicks off for RO is accompanied by an Action Plan.
The Results
“Procore’s Action Plans tool allows us to quantify our QA/QC process, which enables us to attribute the profitability of projects to the quality control efforts that are taking place on jobsites.”
Ash Gilliam
Director of Quality
Tested and Proven
Consistency and efficiency are imperative on any project, but especially on a 10-story, 322,653 square foot office building with a lot of repetitive scopes of work and a tight schedule. To ensure accuracy, utmost quality and schedule adherence for 2999 Olympus, RO utilized Action Plans as a way to ensure repeatable, predictable results throughout the entire build. After completing the first floor successfully up to standards, the lead project manager documented the step by step process in Action Plans along with a required sign off before advancing to the next floor.“Action Plans kept things organized and was a tool to communicate to the foreman so that they understood when they were next on deck,” said Scott Thompson, Quality Lead, RO. Action Plans was a contributing factor to turning this project over on time and under budget, according to RO.
Accountability Measures
Ash Gilliam admits that change can take time but is optimistic toward full adoption as teams are starting to gravitate toward Action Plans, especially after seeing the great success from the 2999 Olympus project. In addition to training sessions and discussions over monthly meetings, RO is taking it a step further to hold teams accountable by reporting and reviewing Action Plan activity in monthly job status meetings. According to Ash, putting these accountability mechanisms in place is helping ensure that plans are being executed.
Continuously Evolving
As Procore Action Plans continues to release new enhancements, RO is simultaneously making advancements in how they use the tool. As additional features are added, the team is better enabled to configure the plans to fit their needs. For example, the team has shifted focus from areas within a job to specific scopes of work. The safety team at RO has also implemented action plans for monthly safety walks. RO is excited for how robust Action Plans is becoming and the impact it has now and will continue to have on the quality of the projects they deliver.