As a general contractor, protecting yourself from potential liabilities is essential to the success and longevity of your business. One significant insurance coverage that should not be overlooked is project-specific pollution liability.
Melody Bell

Melody Bell
Director of Underwriting for Procore Risk Advisors, Melody Bell has held operational management and underwriting roles in the worldwide construction insurance industry since 2006. Melody has extensive experience in insurance compliance, understanding how the regulatory landscape impacts insurers and insureds alike. For the past 10 years, she was instrumental in launching Cove Programs Insurance Services, an Optio Group’s US platform, as part of a dual Lloyds of London platform, acting as the director/vice president of US operations, US compliance officer, and underwriter for a renowned construction MGA. Melody worked closely with both retail, wholesale, and best-in-class builders to design innovative insurance programs for residential, commercial, and SDI clients.